Projects and members


Use the following commands to manage your projects and project members on the CGC.

projects create

Create a new project with a desired name and a chosen billing group.

  sb projects create --name <name_value> --billing_group <billing_group_value> [--description <description_value>] [--locked <locked_value>] [flags]

      --name string            The name given to a new project.
      --billing_group string   The ID of the billing group for the project.
      --description string     A human-readable description of the project.
      --locked string          Prevents any Seven Bridges team member from viewing the project. (default "no")
  -h, --help                   help for create

projects list

List the projects accessible to the current user.

  sb projects list [--user <user_value>] [flags]

      --user string   List only projects owned by the specified user.
  -h, --help          help for list

projects get

Get details of the specified project. Note that the project_id takes the form of {project_owner}/{project}, where {project_owner} is the username of the user who created the project and {project} is not the project's full given name, but its [short name](doc:the-api#project-short-name.

  sb projects get <project_id> [flags]

      project_id   ID of the project.

  -h, --help   help for get

projects update

Change the name, description, or billing group of a project. Note that the project_id takes the form of {project_owner}/{project}, where {project_owner} is the username of the user who created the project and that {project} is not the project's full given name but its short name.

  sb projects update <project_id> [--name <name_value>] [--billing_group <billing_group_value>] [--description <description_value>] [--locked <locked_value>] [flags]

      project_id   ID of the project.

      --name string            The new name given to the project.
      --billing_group string   The ID of the new billing group for the project.
      --description string     A human-readable new description of the project.
      --locked string          Prevents any Seven Bridges team member from viewing the project. (default "no")
  -h, --help                   help for update

projects delete

Delete a project from the CGC. Note that this completely erases the project and any related data.

  sb projects delete <project_id> [flags]

      project_id   ID of the project.

  -h, --help   help for delete

members create

Add an existing member to the specified project with appropriate permissions. This request can only be successfully made by a user who has admin permissions in the project.

Users may have the following permissions on the CGC:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Copy
  • Execute
  • Admin
  sb members create --project <project_value> --user <user_value> [--read] [--write] [--copy] [--execute] [--admin] [flags]

      --project string   The ID of the project you are adding a new member to.
      --user string      The username of the person you are adding to the project.
      --read             The member can view file names, metadata, and workflows. This is automatically assigned when a member is created. (default true)
      --write            The member can add, modify, and remove files and workflows.
      --copy             The member can view file content, copy, and download files.
      --execute          The member can execute workflows and abort tasks.
      --admin            The member can modify another user's permissions, add or remove people, and manage funding sources.

members list

Get a list of the members of the specified project.

  sb members list --project <project_value> [flags]

      --project string   The project for which to return the list of members.
  -h, --help             help for list

members get

Get member permissions for a given project.

Users may have the following permissions on the Seven Bridges CGC:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Copy
  • Execute
  • Admin

Permissions are granted at the project-level. You may, for instance, have admin permission in one project, execute permission in another, and read-only permission in a third.

  sb members get --project <project_value> --user <user_value> [flags]

      --project string   The ID of the project containing the member(s) whose permissions you are querying.
      --user string      The username of the member whose permissions you are querying.
  -h, --help             help for get

##members update

Update a project member's permission for the specified project. It can only be successfully made if you have admin status for the project.

  sb members update --project <project_value> --user <user_value> [--read] [--write] [--copy] [--execute] [--admin] [flags]

      --project string   The ID of the project containing the member whose permissions you’d like to update.
      --user string      The username of the project member whose permissions you are updating.
      --read             This permission allows a project member to view file names, metadata, and workflows. Read permissions are assigned by default. (default true)
      --write            This permission allows a project member to add, modify, and remove files and workflows.
      --copy             This permission allows a project member to view file content, copy, and download files.
      --execute          This permission allows a project member to execute workflows and abort tasks.
      --admin            This permission allows a project member to modify another user's permissions, add or remove people, and manage funding sources.
  -h, --help             help for update

##members delete

Remove a member from the specified project. This command can only be successfully run by a user who has admin privileges in the specified project.

  sb members delete --project <project_value> --user <user_value> [flags]

      --project string   The ID of the project from which you are removing a member.
      --user string      The username of the member you are removing.
  -h, --help             help for delete