About the Data Browser

QUERY DATASETS > About the Data Browser


Seven Bridges is committed to providing Cavatica users with up-to-date versions of the datasets that are available from the NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC). The currently available version of this dataset corresponds to GDC Data Release 31.

More information about the data in this release can be found in the GDC Data Release Notes.

Learn more about our policies regarding updates to the GDC datasets.


The Data Browser is an interactive graphical interface for visually exploring datasets. Build queries to filter data by its metadata attributes. Then, add the filtered data to a CGC project for further analysis.

Use the Data Browser to query TCGA, TCGA GRCh38, TARGET GRCh38 data, ICGC, CPTAC, TCIA, and CCLE.

Access the Data Browser

Access the Data Browser in one of two ways:

Method 1: Access the Data Browser from the top navigation bar

  1. Click Data on the top navigation bar.
  2. Select Data Browser.

Method 2: Access the Data Browser from the Case Explorer

Note that this method currently only works for the TCGA GRCh38 dataset.

  1. Select your cases from the TCGA GRCh38 dataset using the Case Explorer.
  2. Use them to begin a query in the Data Browser by clicking Continue to Data Browser.
