PGP-UK metadata

Metadata is data that describes other data. On this page, we've detailed the metadata that are available for filtering Personal Genome Project UK (PGP-UK) pilot data in the associated public project on the CGC. The PGP-UK pilot dataset contains 201 files from 13 individuals, as downloaded from the PGP-UK Data Portal on 18 March 2018.

Filter the data by metadata fields to find the PGP-UK data you’re interested in. Alternatively, you can sort the available files by metadata fields or filter via tags that we’ve added to the files.


The following metadata fields can be used to search for samples of interest:

Information CategoryMetadata Field(s)
File TypeType
AssayExperimental Strategy
SampleCase ID
SampleSample Type
Phenotypic InformationCurrent Smoker?
Phenotypic InformationEx-Smoker?
Phenotypic InformationHandedness
Phenotypic InformationHeight
Phenotypic InformationHair Colour
Phenotypic InformationLeft Eye Colour
Phenotypic InformationRight Eye Colour
Phenotypic InformationWeight
Phenotypic InformationBlood Type
Phenotypic InformationAge at Sample Collection
Phenotypic InformationDate of Birth
Phenotypic InformationSex
Phenotypic InformationSurvey taken on
Predicted Phenotype*Sex
Predicted Phenotype*Age [years]
Predicted Phenotype*Smoking Status
Property (Methylation Array)Label

* Some of the phenotypic features of PGP-UK participants were predicted by University College London using variant and methylation information. More details can be found in the preprint.