Additional Tool Information


This page contains procedures related to the legacy editor. Try out our new editor that has a more streamlined design and provides a better app editing experience. More info.

This page contains instructions on how to use the fields of the Additional Information tab on the Tool Editor. The fields on this tab are all optional. They allow you to add additional information about your tool that will be accessible on graphical interfaces in which the tool is used, such as the workflow editor.

To add additional details about your tool, click on the tab labeled Additional Information.
additional tool information.

  • Under Label you can give a brief phrase that will be used to label the tool. You can also enter the Toolkit and Toolkit Version your tool belongs to
  • Under Links you can add URLs relevant to the tool. For example, you can give the homepage of its developers, journal articles on the tool, or source code trackers.
  • Under Tool License you can select from a list of open source licenses, or enter a new one.
  • Finally, the Description field provides a space to add more details of what the tool does.The description field takes markdown, so you can use rich formatting here, such as hyperlinks, bulleted lists, and font styles. Consult one of many guides to markdown for instructions on using this.

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