Get service information
This call returns information about the Workflow Execution Service on this platform.
Example request
See a list of response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.
Response body
Name | Data type | Description |
id | string | Unique ID of this service. |
name | string | Human readable name of this service. |
type | object (ServiceType) | Type of a GA4GH - Namespace in reverse domain name format.artifact - Name of the API or GA4GH specification implemented.version - Version of the API or specification. |
description | string | Human readable description of the service. |
organization | object | Organization providing the - Name of the organization responsible for the service.url - URL of the website of the organization. |
documentationUrl | string | URL of the documentation of this service. This documentation will help user learn how to use the service, including specifics of the implementation and information on authentication and authorization. |
version | string | Version of the service being described. The versioning system used is <WES-version>.<SB-revision> . The version is changed whenever the service is updated. |
workflow_type_versions | object | Available workflow types and versions supported by this service. |
supported_wes_versions | Array of strings | The version(s) of the WES schema supported by this service. |
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