
Use the following commands to manage apps on the CGC.

apps list

Get a list of apps available to you.

  sb apps list [--public] [--project <project_value>] [--owner <owner_value>]

      --public           List only publicly available apps.
      --project string   List only the apps from the specified project.
      --owner string     List only the apps from that user's projects.
  -h, --help             help for list

apps get

Get details for the specified app.

  sb apps get <app_id> [--raw] [flags]

      app_id   ID of the application.

      --raw    Receive details for the specified app formatted as raw CWL. (only for json output)
  -h, --help   help for get

apps import

Import an app using raw CWL from a JSON or YAML file. The app_id is formatted as follows: {project_owner}/{project}/{app_short_name}/{revision_number}. You can assign the {app_short_name} for your app when you upload it. It can be any string of alphanumeric characters without spaces.

The app's given name (a full human-readable string) is contained in the CWL that you provide. If no input file is provided, the command expects input from stdin.

For a template of this description, try making the call to get raw CWL for an app about an app already in one of your projects.

  sb apps import <app_id> [--file <file_value>] [flags]

      app_id   ID of the application.

      --file string   The file which contains raw CWL for the app.
  -h, --help          help for import

apps copy

Copy the specified app to the specified project. The app should be in a project that you can access.

  sb apps copy <app_id> --project <project_value> [--name <name_value>] [flags]

      app_id   ID of the application.

      --project string   The ID of the project you want to copy the app to.
      --name string      The optional new name for the app.
  -h, --help            help for copy