This call creates a new volume. Volumes authorize the CGC to access and query objects on a specified cloud storage (Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Storage) on your behalf.
Learn more about using the Volumes API for Amazon S3 and for Google Cloud Storage. These tutorials also detail how to configure your bucket.
Example request
POST /v2/storage/volumes HTTP/1.1
X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3210a98c1db9318fa9d9273156740f74
Content-Type: application/json
curl --data '@create-volume.json' -X POST -H "X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3210a98c1db9318fa9d9273156740f74" -H "Content-Type: application/json" ''
Header Fields
Key | Description of value |
X-SBG-Auth-Token required | Your CGC authentication token. |
Content-type required | application/json |
Request body
In the body, you should enter a list of key-value pairs. The keys and the values they take are described in the following table.
Key | Data type of value | Description of value |
name required | String | The name of the volume. It must be unique from all other volumes for this user. |
access_mode | String | Signifies whether this volume should be used for read-write ("RW" ) or read-only ("RO" ) operations.The access mode is consulted independently of the credentials granted to the CGC when the volume was created, so it is possible to use a read-write credentials to register both read-write and read-only volumes using it. default: "RW" |
description | String | An optional description of this volume. |
service required | Object | This object should contain the information about the cloud service that this volume represents. See the service object section below for an explanation of its structure. |
The service
objectKey | Data type of value | Description of value |
type | string | The type of cloud service supported. Currently the only valid values are "s3" for Amazon Web Services and "gcs" for Google Cloud Storage. |
prefix | String | A service-specific prefix to prepend to all objects created in this volume. If the service supports folders, and this prefix includes them, the API will attempt to create any missing folders when it outputs a file. default: "" |
bucket applies to type: s3 and gcs required | String | The name of the AWS S3 or GCS bucket you wish to register as a volume. |
root_url default: for s3 type and for gcs | String | Cloud provider API endpoint to use when accessing this bucket. For a list of AWS-supported endpoints, see AWS Regions and Endpoints. |
credentials | Object | Contains credentials for the underlying cloud provider. AWS IAM user: access-key-id secret_access-key For Google Cloud Storage, these credentials are: client_email * private_key |
access_key_id applies to type: s3 required | String | AWS access key ID of the IAM user shared with Seven Bridges to access this bucket. |
secret_access_key applies to type: s3 required | String | AWS secret access key of the IAM user shared with the CGC to access this bucket. |
client_email applies to type: gcs required | String | The client email address for the Google Cloud service account to use for operations on this bucket. This can be found in the JSON containing your service account credentials. |
private_key applies to type: gcs required | String | Google Cloud Platform private key. |
properties | Object | Contains the properties of a specific service. These values set the defaults for operations performed with this volume. Individual operations can override these defaults by providing a custom properties object. |
sse_algorithm applies to type: s3 | String | S3 server-side encryption to use when exporting to this bucket. Supported values: AES256 (SSE-S3 encryption)aws:kms * null (no server-side encryption). default: AES256 |
sse_aws_kms_key_id | String | Provide your AWS KMS ID here if you specify aws:kms as your sse_algorithm . Learn more about AWS KMS. |
awscanned_acl _applies to type: s3 | String | S3 canned ACL to apply on the object during export. Supported values: any one of S3 canned ACLs; null (does not apply canned ACLs).default: null |
Example request body
"name": "my_s3_volume",
"service": {
"type": "s3",
"bucket": "input_files",
"prefix": "",
"credentials": {
"access_key_id": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE",
"secret_access_key": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
"properties": {
"sse_algorithm": "AES256"
"access_mode": "RO"
"name": "my_gcs_volume",
"description": "New google volume",
"service": {
"type": "gcs",
"bucket": "output_files",
"prefix": "output",
"credentials": {
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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1KClL38XdaZ2ftKJB2tjzDZYl9Vl8pZqvALJlQZYl9Vl8pZqvAL+MZ4hpyYvs9CzX1KClL38XdaZ2ftKJB2tjzDZYl9Vl8pZqvAL+CxZYl9Vl8pZqvAL+MZ4hpyYvs9CzX1KClL38XdaZ2ftKJB2tjzDZYl9Vl8pZqvAL+MjZYl9Vl8pZqvAL+MZ4hpyYvs9CzX1KClL38XdaZ2ftKJB2tjzDZYl9Vl8pZqvALSi0sVSXpA=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
"access_mode": "RW"
See a list of CGC-specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.
Example response body
"href": "",
"id": "rfranklin/my_volume",
"name": "my_volume",
"access_mode": "RW",
"service": {
"type": "S3",
"bucket": "output",
"prefix": "",
"endpoint": "",
"credentials": {
"access_key_id": "AKIAJRC7TPMRMEXAMPLE"
"properties": {
"sse_algorithm": "AES256"
"created_on": "2016-06-30T08:14:02Z",
"modified_on": "2016-06-30T08:14:02Z",
"active": true
Note that you cannot view volumes that you have created via the visual interface. However, you can see all your volumes by making the call to list volumes.