This call updates the details for multiple specified files. Use this call to set new information for the files, thus replacing all existing information and erasing omitted parameters.
For each of the specified files, the call sets a new name, new tags and metadata. The maximum number of files you can update the details for per call is 100.
Example request
Header Fields
Name | Description |
X-SBG-Auth-Token required | Your CGC authentication token. |
Content-Type required | application/json |
Request body
Key | Data type | Description |
file_id | string | The IDs of the file you are updating. The maximum number of files you can update the details for per call is 100. |
name | string | The new name of the file. |
tags | array | The tags you want to update. |
metadata | dictionary of key-value pairs | The metadata fields and their values that you want to update. |
See a list of CGC-specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response..
Response body
The response contains information the updated information for all of the edited files.