This call allows you to get the download URL for a file.
This call is not intended for general CGC users
To use this call, you should supply the file's
. This object is not available on the CGC. It is available from the SPARQL query console, created by Seven Bridges, for exploring TCGA data. This API call is designed for users of that product. For more information on the SPARQL query console, please contact is an alternative CGC API call to get download information and URL for a file. General CGC users should use that call instead of this one.
Example request
POST /v2/action/files/get_download_url HTTP/1.1
X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3210a98c1db9318fa9d9273156740f74
curl --data '{["/Projects/c9ee9d8c-9e4c-4ae3-bc55-8e02ebc13a73/1000G_omni2.5.b37.vcf"]}' -s -H "X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3210a98c1db9318fa9d9273156740f74" -H "content-type: application/json" -X POST ""
Request body
In the body, you should enter an array of strings, containing the file paths.
Body |
array of strings, consisting of file paths. |
Example request body
Header Fields
Name | Description |
X-SBG-Auth-Token required | Your CGC authentication token. |
See a list of CGC-specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.
Example response body
Note that if you submit an incorrect file path, the call will return the value null