HER2 status not consistent

I got the HER2, ER, PR status of BRCA patients from the BRCA TCGA publication supplementary: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature11412#supplementary-information filename: TCGA_Supplementary Tables 1-4.csv column: HER2_Final_Status But since it is from 2012, after some months, I downloaded the newer clinical data from cbioportal**: http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=brca_tcga#clinical filename: data_bcr_clinical_data_patient.txt columns: IHC-Status, HER2 fish status However, I noticed that hundreds patients had different her2 status then they had in the old tcga publication: Barcode IHC-status(cbioportal) Her2 fish status (cbioportal) HER2_Final_Status(tcga publication) TCGA-A1-A0SH Equivocal Negative Negative TCGA-A2-A04U Negative Positive Negative TCGA-A2-A0T2 Negative Not Evaluated Negative TCGA-A8-A06R Positive Positive Equivocal At first, I thought there is a method to convert both ihc and fish statuses into one (final status). But I failed to find such method. In TCGA-A1-A0SH, it seems Fish is prefered. In TCGA-A2-A04U , it seems it is IHC. in TCGA-A8-A06R it is neither. **I verified that for those 4 patients, her2 status is consistent between cbioportal and current TCGA clinical files. (her2_fish_status, her2_status_by_ihc in clinical files) Thanks in advance, Maor

Unable to find BAM file index

When I try to run `samtools mpileup` it expects to find the BAM index in the same folder as the BAM file with the extension ".bai". I'm not sure how I can expose the BAM index to a tool that assumes a certain file location for the index.

Can I upload my private data to the CGC?

Expression of long non-coding RNAs

Hi! Which is the best way to get access to the expression of long non-coding RNAs? Is there any processed data (I have already checked on the case explorer) or I should reanalyze the raw data using something like Cufflinks?

What are the system requirements to access the CGC via the visual interface?

SVS files are unavailable through the APi

SVS files are availble through the website: https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/cases/9fe336a8-08a7-4fe7-bf45-afd6a8eb9c75 They are also available on the data portal as of May 21 2018: (same page, click on Files, it leads to data portal. You can see svs files for this case) However issue an API call to: https://cgc-datasets-api.sbgenomics.com/datasets/v0/tcga/cases/9FE336A8-08A7-4FE7-BF45-AFD6A8EB9C75/files No svs files are available.

Get diagnosis data

Hi! I'm trying to download the diagnosis data to see if I can find some correlations with my gene of interest. In the Data browser I can see the Diagnosis Details but despite making subgroups for the data import I can't get those details in the metadata file. Is there any way to extract them? Thanks

I can't add TCGA data from a query to my project

I've joined today as a beta user and started a project, but once I do a query and pull up a list of files, I'm unable to highlight them either on the query map or the list of files in order to add them to my project for analysis. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? The help page indicates that I should be able to click on a path to highlight and add those files. Thanks!

Multiple TCGA BAM for same sample

HI there, I've noticed that some TCGA samples have multiple RNA-Seq BAM files, what would be the difference between the files? If it's convenient to use one over the other, what criteria should be used to select such file. Example: TCGA-STAD RNA-seq TCGA-BR-8368-01A-11R-2343-13_rnaseq.bam 14.5GB _1_TCGA-BR-8368-01A-11R-2343-13_rnaseq.bam 14.7GB Thanks, Franco

What are the goals of the Cloud Pilots?