Update a volume (Microsoft Azure)



This call updates the details of a specific volume.



Example request

PATCH /v2/storage/volumes/rfranklin/output HTTP/1.1
Host: cgc-api.sbgenomics.com
X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3210a98c1db9318fa9d9273156740f74
curl  --data '@patch-volume.json' -s -H "X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3210a98c1db9318fa9d9273156740f74" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH "https://cgc-api.sbgenomics.com/v2/storage/volumes/rfranklin/output"

Header Fields

Your CGC authentication token.

Path parameters

The volume that you want to update.

Request body

In the body, you should enter a list of key-value pairs. The keys and the values they take are described in the following table.

KeyData typeDescription
access_modeStringSpecifies the access mode for the volume. Azure volumes are available only in read-only (RO) mode.
descriptionStringAn optional description of this volume.
serviceObjectThis object should contain the information about the cloud service that this volume represents. See the service object section below for an explanation of its structure.

The service object

KeyData typeDescription
endpointStringSpecify a Microsoft Azure endpoint, only if you are using an endpoint that is different from the default one https://(serviceaccount).blob.core.windows.net. To make a non-default endpoint work with the CGC, please first make sure it is supported by Seven Bridges.
credentialsObjectContains the Microsoft Azure credentials that are necessary in order to attach your storage container. When updating a volume, you can only use a new client_secret.
client_secretStringValue of the client secret you created on the Azure Portal.

Example request body

	"description": "Volume containing raw samples collected in April"


See a list of CGC-specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.

Response body

The response object contains information about the specified volume. The information is structured using the following key-value pairs:

KeyData type of valueDescription of value
activeBooleanIf a volume is deactivated, this field will be set to false
idStringID of this volume, containing owner/name
nameStringName of the volume.
descriptionStringThe description of this volume.
serviceObjectThis object more closely describes the mapping of the volume to the cloud service where the data is stored. See the service object section above for an explanation of its structure.
created_onStringThe date and time this volume was created.
modified_onStringThe date and time this volume was last modified.

Example response body

    "href": "https://cgc-api.sbgenomics.com/v2/storage/volumes/rfranklin/myvolume",
    "id": "rfranklin/myvolume",
    "name": "myvolume",
    "description": "Volume containing raw samples collected in April",
    "access_mode": "RO",
    "service": {
        "type": "AZURE",
        "bucket": "rfranklinazure.raw-samples",
        "prefix": "",
        "endpoint": "https://rfranklinazure.blob.core.windows.net/",
        "storage_account": "rfranklinazure",
        "container": "raw-samples",
        "credentials": {
            "tenant_id": "a32789b5-123e-45d6-78c9-b8faeb12de9c",
            "client_id": "f3e3f554-276d-5c2c-b87e-e3fe12d782fe"
        "properties": {
            "resource_id": "/subscriptions/e1bfa7ce-da8d-575d-b8ce-5bc70e98f986/resourceGroups/azurepoc/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/rfranklinazure"
    "created_on": "2021-04-28T11:45:48Z",
    "modified_on": "2021-05-19T10:03:32Z",
    "active": true