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Unable to extract results/outputs of the tool


I've built a simple tool using R, pushed it to the CGC repository and ran it. However, I have an issue with retrieving the outputs. It seems as the system cannot find them. For now, the tool produces two files: one called model.pdf and another model.txt. I set the glob values (outputs tab in the tool editor) to model.pdf and model.txt since their names are static.

My initial thought of the issue was a wrong working directory. I couldn't find more details in the documentation.

  • How do I know, what is the working directory of the tool for the current analysis? Can I extract this information from the job or self variable?
  • Should provide information to mount specific directory?
  • What else could be wrong?

For instance, I can successfully retrieve the stdout.txt (caught standard output) file. Also, the job.tree.log file shows stdout.txt available but no model.pdf nor model.txt.

Thank you for the help.